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PETRONAS F1 team makes big emission savings with HVO


The Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 team saved 339 tCO2e and reduced race and hospitality trucks and generator emissions by 67% through HVO 100 biofuel use over the course of the 2023 Formula One European season.
The combined 67% emissions reduction and 339 tCO2e saving, calculated in line with the GHG protocol and latest DEFRA GHG emissions factors, exceeded the team’s initial targets of 60% emissions reduction for race and hospitality trucks and generators.
The trucks and generators were refuelled where possible using second-generation biofuel HVO 100 across the European races from May to September.
The trucks transport all the team’s freight required for each race, while the generators power the team’s engineering and hospitality units in the Formula One paddock.

Read the full article here.